Monday, March 4, 2013

I know I wasn't very popular but...

... I never really considered myself to be a ...nerd. As defined by Dave Ramsey, I am apparently a nerd. A nerd is someone who LOVES doing the budget- it comes naturally to them. They love talking about the budget. They love going into detail on the budget. They like to attempt to stick to the budget... That is me. Jon is what Dave Ramsey considers the "free spirit." A free spirit doesn't really enjoy doing the budget- in fact they would really just like to leave that stuff for the nerds to do. If something doesn't go according to the budget the free spirits would say " oh its okay..." and just go with the flow. The nerds on the other hand panic.. and stress over it.

While I am a nerd- I have what I would like to say " free spirit tendencies." When it comes to spending money, I go through spurts of spending (my free spirit side) and then spurts of saving and following the budget (my nerd side). So I guess I am financially bipolar...????Any way, Class 2 helped us determine which side we leaned more toward, and how to work together.

Dave Ramsey said that they Nerds need to do the budget. (YAY!!!) We get to do the budget all by ourselves... but then we must have a budget meeting. This is where the Nerd presents the budget to the Free Spirit and then SHUTS UP. (hard for me). The Free Spirit then has free range to ask questions, make changes, etc. The budget meeting should last no longer than 17 minutes because that it how long of an attention span the Free Spirits will have. After that- it is like talking to a brick wall.

During class #2- Dave Ramsey also talked about the difference between **most** men and **most** women. Most men do not like browsing while shopping. They want to get in- get what they came for- and get out. Women on the other hand like to browse- take their time- maybe buy what they came for.  Men also view money as a way to show their status while women view money as having security. For examply, men may want to invest their emergency fund in more risky accounts because it will get them a bigger better deal, but most women will want their savings fund in a simple money market account because it is more secure.

Baby Step #1 Update: Last week we had $85 in our emergency fund. I added $7 from cleaning (love the little things you find!) and will be selling some stuff today- adding ad additional $15. That's $107! Yay for being over 10% to our goal of $1,000.00.

Until next time...

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