Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Subscribe to the Sunday Paper

One of the most important steps when couponing is to sign up for the Sunday Paper. I currently get 4 Sunday papers per week. This may seem a little insane- but I can explain. First, you NEVER want to get just one Sunday paper. This is because Publix allows you to use a manufacturer coupon on EACH item when that item is on BOGO. So the minimum you would want to get is 2. Next, the general rule of thumb is to get one for every person in your family. If you have an odd number of people- round up. This may seem like a large amount out of pocket- but you will be reimbursed via your lower grocery bill.

I also subscribe to the paper rather than going to the store every week. I have a few reasons for doing this.
  1. Coupons are not guaranteed to be in the papers you buy in store-but they are guaranteed to be in your home delivered paper.
  2. If I have someone deliver it to my house- I #1 save money on gas and #2 won't forget to go pick them up.
  3. The paper company will often offer you a discounted rate if you subscribe.
So now- go sign up for your Sunday (only do sunday subscription unless you really want  to read the paper every day) paper and my next post will be what to do with all of these coupons when they arrive.

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