Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Little Bit of everything!

I went to Publix yesterday and only used 4 coupons. I bought things that never really have coupons- like meat, bread, milk, etc. I did buy diapers and wipes- and I used a coupong of course. I bought a turkey- Publix had them on sale for .59/lb! I bought a whole chicken, ground beef, turkey sausage, etc. I used a $10/$50 Sweet bay coupon. While it wasn't the most frugal trip- I am happy with it.

Tonight mom and I are organizing our shopping trips for the Publix ad that starts tomorrow. As I said in my last post I am trying to replenish my stockpile so I hope to get some good deals!

I have been eating lunch at work more instead of going out. I asked the ladies I work with to help me with this- and they are- and I hate it. I know it will pay off in the end though.

Jon and I are getting each other one gift each this year and then "Santa" is going to bring us a joint gift. Hopefully that cuts back on some of out Christmas spending.

1 comment:

  1. I love this :) one gift sounds good.. limits the stress and all.. and then setting a budget for each kid is something I want to do.. bc I used to do way overboard.. I would prefer to get thru Christmas and still have a savings account :)
