Monday, August 8, 2011

My new

As a working mother, I always try to find something new for Aiden to do on the weekends. Whether its an activity, new place to visit, or anything else like that. Pinterest is an awesome website that my friend Tiffany introduced me too. It is like a virtual corkboard. When you find things that interest you on a website- you can pin them to your board. You can even have multiple boards for your different areas of interset. My favorite thing to do is go through items than have already been pinned. For example, on the website I can search "preschool activities"- anything that have been pinned by another member with that tag line will come up. I can then "repin" it to my board.

I have been trying to come up with some easy activities for Jon to do with Aiden on his days off. Here is one idea I found on pinterst that I think they will both enjoy:
Gold Fish color match ups
This is a good "Daddy acitivity" because it doesn't involve a lot of steps and they both get to eat the gold fish.

So go check out pinterest and see what activities you can come up with for your kiddos!

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