Monday, September 12, 2011

Staying Afloat

Sorry I been MIA for a bit. Let me start off by updating you. We went to Mississippi during the first part of September to visit Jon's dad's side of the family. I had a blast- and the rest of the fam did too. I have been having some problems keeping our house running smoothly. It seems like it is one thing after another. When we got home from MS- our air wasn't working. That was an easy fix. Laundry is piled up - and boom our dryer is taking 3x the amount of time to dry things. Logan is teething, my house is a mess, the vacuum isn't sucking right. Money is tight until pay day. Some good things have happened lately as well- money is tight .. thought I was going to have to borrow money to buy formula (yes my stockpile has been depleted.. Logan likes to eat!) but then I remembered I had a 10 dollar Target gift card and some spare dollars- so I was able to buy formula. Pay day cannot come soon enough. Then yesterday our air started acting up again. I cannot wait for cooler weather!

For a couple of days I have been stressed to the max and I have just decided that I am going to do something about it. I wanted to detail here our current household projects:
  • Making a home binder- This will detail both of the boys' schedules, Jon's work schedule, home cleaning schedule, dinner schedule, activities for Aiden to do, etc.
  • Declutter- This is hard because we have so much to go through. Whenever I start to go through things- I get side tracked... Maybe a little ADD ? Jon has volunteered to do the garage (I am not going to stress.. I am going to pray that he doesn't throw away anything I want to keep). The next task will be the attic. I figure this will be an easy task as we haven't really used anything up there in probably 3 or some years. Then it is on to the house. Laundry takes over our house. I have been trying to put items too small for Logan in one bin, Items too small for Aiden but too big for Logan in another bin, and items to big for Aiden in another. See why I get confused??
  • Hardcore Couponing- I am trying to pay off most of our debt, save for Aiden's schooling, and build us a solid emergency fund on a tight budget. I am going to work at my couponing to assist in this process.
  • Cooking at home- it is easy for me to coupon but then I have all of this food sitting around my house. My current goal is to start cooking at home 3 nights per week and work up from there. I know Jon works funky hours and in the past it has put me in a "why should I cook when you aren't home" state of mind. My new theory is to cook even if he works late so he will not have to buy lunch the next day (or maybe the next!)

Goodbye stress! I am taking control of this house and family!

1 comment:

  1. You can do this! and I pray I get the house down there.. Then we can come up with all kinds of ways to organize and find new dinner ideas--just by putting our heads together.. your not alone in this hun! I hope to help you, as well as myself :)
